Friday, May 9, 2014

Finishing What You Start

It was my hope that this blog would be updated regularly so I could reflect and focus on my goal.  Well, that fell by the wayside and it got me thinking about how it's so important to finish what you start.

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who has a bunch of unfinished things sitting around -- unfinished work projects, unfinished crafts, mail that sits on the kitchen counter.  I also sometimes tackle big things such as my ultimate goal to lose 40-50 pounds, and I start training for a 5k or I start eating healthier but then things get hard and I give up.  Or I get busy and I give up because an evening on the couch sounds a lot more appealing.  Or I start reading a book and give up after 50 pages.

I revisited this blog and remembered the motivation I had in November and December to really purge and just clean out.  I remember that I was going to spend 10 minutes every day clearing out clutter or putting things back in their "homes".  That lasted for maybe a week.  I'm back to my old habits.  As I sit here typing this my floor is covered in papers and my coffee table has about 10 magazines that I haven't gotten around to reading.  Habits take a while to develop I guess.

I still want to have success with this resolution and in a lot of ways I already am:

1. My spending is under control!  I don't spend recklessly and I find other ways to have fun instead of buying more stuff that I really don't need.
2. I have an emergency fund.  It is tiny, but growing.  A little bit goes a long way.  I'm really, really excited about this.
3. I have financial goals for myself, long term and short term.
4. I have a budget!  Well, the very beginning of a budget.

So I'm doing REALLY well on the spend less, save more thing and I'm over the moon about it.  The things that still need work -- my health, my eating, and my organizational skills.  And obviously this is a lifestyle.  This isn't going to happen overnight.  This is a process.  And I need to suck it up and finish what I start.

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