Sunday, December 22, 2013

Holiday Spending

This marks the first holiday season where I've seriously looked at my budget to decide if I can afford to buy gifts or not.  Typically I would buy gifts for everyone and ask questions later.  It has gone just fine so far, but this year I realized that I couldn't afford it.

It's very humbling when you realize you can't afford to give gifts.  At first I was almost ashamed of it.  I talked to my parents and told them emotionally that I felt like I was struggling financially and couldn't give them material gifts.  Both were very understanding and were proud of me for not spending myself into more debt.  They said that they didn't need more stuff.

I then thought seriously about how I could give without spending money and I started to get creative.  I realized that doing something for the people I love would be worth more than any gift I could give.  I told my parents that for Christmas, I would give them each a day with me.  I would do whatever they asked whether that be mopping the floor or cleaning out the closets or shoveling snow.  I told them to start thinking about what they would want me to help them with.  They both grinned ear to ear, and are currently compiling their "to do" lists for me.

My thoughts then turned to my friends -- people who I love dearly and have previously given gifts to for Christmas.  We decided to have a holiday potluck where everyone brings an appetizer and we hang out and enjoy each other's company.  I came up with the idea of a book swap where everyone brings the books they no longer read and we exchange books with each other instead of giving gifts.  That way it's still "new", but we don't have to spend money.

This holiday season where my spending is limited I'm realizing that there is so much more to the holidays than buying meaningless gifts for others.  It's about enjoying what you have and the people who are in your life.  I'm looking forward to enjoying a joyous, simple holiday season.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Dating Simply

I just started dating a new guy around Thanksgiving.  We have similar long term goals, we get along pretty well, and he is very sweet and gentlemanly.  I've been dating around a lot recently, but I haven't had this type of experience.  Things are just so...simple.  There hasn't been drama or pressure or questioning where things stand.  The two of us have just been enjoying each other's company, getting to know each other, and -- most importantly -- not rushing things.

I feel as though this is how dating should be.  We're open with each other and we always set another date up right away.  That has been what has bothered me most about casual dating is that I haven't known where things stand.  In this case however, I do know.  I know that we're interested in each other.  I know that there's potential there, but that we're both not rushing into anything and that we're on the same page.  Not to mention I enjoy having doors held open for me and dinner cooked for me and a guy offering to carry my heavy bags.  :)

This new mantra -- live simply -- seems to have infiltrated many aspects of my life.  And I'm ok with that.

Friday, December 6, 2013


The inspiration for this blog is my New Year's resolution for 2014: Live Simply.  I know I'm starting this in early December; it is my hope to get a jump start on the new year!

I realized that I feel weighed down by the "stuff" in my life.  Some of it (a lot of it) physical stuff, some of it emotional and mental.  Through this process I hope to focus on living with less.

I hope to spend less money.
I hope to narrow down my closet to fewer clothes.
I hope to find better and more effective ways to organize and simplify my life.
I hope to eat less process foods.
I hope to slow myself down.
I hope to stress less.
I hope to make better use of my time.
I hope to do things that scare me.
I hope to live fully.

Have you felt completely and utterly swamped and you honestly have no idea where to turn?  That's what I'm feeling as I start this process.  I have so many things that I want to scale down: my closet, my kitchen cabinets, my book collection, my bathroom cabinets, the sheer amount of un filed paperwork...  The list goes on.  And on.  And on.

It is my hope that this blog will help me to focus my time, focus my energy, and hopefully this particular resolution: Live Simply, will truly enhance the life that I live now.

I plan to start small: one project at a time, one room at a time, one thought at a time -- and it is my hope that bit by bit, one thing at a time, I can start a transition to this improved lifestyle.